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Keep Austin Stylish Has a New Look!

This little blog has had quite the transformation over the last several years. Since l launched this thing back in late 2009 (oh how time flies when you’re having a self identity crisis), much has happened and changed in my life.  Not all of that of course can be attributed to this blog, but actually a lot of it can. I started writing this blog out of basic boredom and because I’m one of those people who always has to be working on some sort of creative side project.  But this blog has honestly become way cooler than I ever thought it would, and has led to many opportunities for me. I’ve gotten to attend lots of cool events and festivals for free, I’ve been hired to take photographs for really rad magazines, and I’ve even been featured in some magazines as well. But most importantly, I’ve met some really awesome people over the years because of this blog, some of whom I know will be lifelong friends, as long as they don’t start periodically trying to steal my food, my boyfriend (what’s that?), or my booze.

In my mind I have always tried to treat this blog as if it was a magazine. For several years people have told me that I should have other contributors to it, but I never felt like the timing was right and honestly I was afraid that I would be giving up some of my creative control. But, things feel much different now.  I’m ready to have a badass team of ladies (and maybe a dude?) to help contribute to this blog and make it even better. I want to have more frequent content up on this blog because I think it deserves it. The city of Austin has changed a ton since I started this blog, and so has the fashion scene. My goal is to keep this blog an authentic representation of the Austin fashion scene as it continues to grow even further, but keep it relevant to both locals as well as outsiders.

So, if you would love to be a regular contributor to Keep Austin Stylish, I just need a few things from you…

Please send an email to with the following:

1) Your name, age, and a very brief bio (1-3 sentences)

2) A link to your current blog or past published writings if you have them

3) A brief description of what you would like your role to be at Keep Austin Stylish/ what type of topics you would like to write about.

4) An actual freshly written sample blog post that you think would be ready to be published on this site and a good representation of the content you would provide.

As a regular contributor (meaning you would get your profile up on the About page with a link to your own personal blog or site if you have one, and have your name/blog profile associated with every post you write) you will be expected to contribute a minimum of one blog post a month. Not bad, right? Compensation right now will be solely exposure and links to your own personal site, maybe some access to some cool shit, and probably some awesome lunches and happy hours with me which would really be the ultimate reward I think, especially if you love awkward and inappropriate conversation.

If you’re not interested in being a contributor that’s totally cool, but I would love to get your feedback on the new site design! Any comments left below would be greatly appreciated.
