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For January’s editorial we thought of the modern gypsy, the girl who likes to wander to different places, whether they be across the globe or right down the street, and takes away from each stop a little bit of something to mix into her wardrobe creating an eclectic look.  One of the trends for Spring 2013 involves looks inspired by traditional clothing from everywhere from India to Russia. To be ahead of the trends, or even start your own, you can play with vintage clothing and create your own unique look with fashions from different eras and locations.

wardrobe provided by: Splendor Boutique

photographer: Layla Mays

model: McKenna Martin at MACS AMAX

styling/art direction: Joanna Wilkinson, asst. Tyler Neal

MUA: Adrienne Pitkin

Hair: Mel Martell, Ricky Hodge Salon


Joanna Wilkinson
keep austin stylish