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He was the only kid in his 5th grade class to be rocking Jordache jeans and says “If it was a label, I had it.”  He might not have any formal fashion training, but Roosevelt has definitely always had an interest in all things stylish.  With a mother who owned more shoes than Imelda Marcos (wikipedia link for the majority of those too young to get that reference), Roosevelt Cevallos says he was groomed to become a “shoe divo.”  His artistic eye and creative spirit has led Roosevelt through a lifetime of doing everything from party planning to interior design, but this creator’s most recent outlet is designing shoes.

Armed with a hot glue gun in 2009, Roosevelt took a pair of plain gold pumps hostage and turned them into a sexy unique pair of footwear to go along with a gold costume dress.  A few spikes, crystals, and disco mirror shards later, Roosevelt had found a new passion.  At every costume event he attended, Roosevelt found himself being stopped in his tracks by both men and women asking where he got his shoes.

This last weekend at Haven, Roosevelt showed off his one-of-a-kind “Roosevelt Couture” shoe creations at his first ever solo fashion show “Pump Up The Glam.”  The show appropriately kicked off with a group of male dancers in heels giving everyone a look into Roosevelt’s style- over the top, glamorous, and fun.  Whether or not you like his embellished heels, you cannot deny the fact that they are attention grabbing pieces.  Even though most of the models strutted the walkway wearing next to nothing, the shoes still stood out (at least to the straight women and gay men of the audience… with the exception of the shoes on that one male model towards the end. I didn’t even manage to get a photo of his shoes.)



Joanna Wilkinson
keep austin stylish