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It’s hard to get dressed up when it’s 100 degrees outside.  Most clothes I have in my closet that seem appropriate for late night events and cocktail hours are either tight fitted and/or dark colors.  Neither of these things are appealing when you’re sweating.  That’s why I fell in love with this dress from SoLa.  It’s a one shoulder looser fitted dress, and the bright coral color is perfect for summer.  I loved the look I achieved with nothing but gold accessories, but I would also love to see this dress paired with some turquoise jewelry.

dress: SoLa

necklace: Forever 21
bracelet: bought in Taiwan
shoes: Nine West
sunglasses: Prada
P.S. I like this dress so much that I also have it in navy.  They just got it in black as well, but I’m going to try and resist buying the same dress in three different colors.  Two is enough…or is it?
keep austin stylish