I love seeking out stylish people for my blog. People watching and taking street style photos is one of my favorite things I do for this 'ol blog. But yesterday I found out what it was like to be one of those people who I bug when I'm out at events and ask to photograph…
A little backstory to this: I work at an "office" which is really an apartment. I only have one other co-worker who is my boss. We don't usually leave the "office", so, in theory, I could come to work in my pajamas. But, we are both naturally stylish people so my boss and I usually end up looking well dressed even though there is no need. In fact one day he was in a suit and a lot of the time I'm in heels. But yesterday, he surprised me with a trip to Whole Foods to have a meeting (luckily this wasn't the day I decided to throw all my self pride out the door and dress like a Fashion FAIL.) To my pleasant surprise I was accosted by a sweet girl who works for the Austin Post and was digging my style. You can check out the photo she took of me, plus my quick interview here. She compared my look to a young Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver, which besides being compared to a teenage prostitute, I will take as a huge compliment!