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I know a lot of my dedicated readers are super stylish gals, so I thought y’all might be interested in this really cool new website that is about to launch called Sway. is a website where the member is the fashion buyer and designer.  Sway members will be able to vote on a look and critique it. The look with the most votes will then get produced by Sway.  Then the pieces will be sold to the members for 24-hours at wholesale price. After the 24-hour “flash sale”, the pieces will then be sold at full retail price for non-members.

Doesn’t that sound nifty? Here is the link for y’all to sign up and become a member:

If you sign up via that link, you also get a present from me (well, I guess it’s technically from Sway)

I can’t wait to get to vote on stuff!

keep austin stylish