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Up until fairly recently I never really paid attention to what ingredients went into my makeup, then a friend showed me this website where you can look up your products and see what ingredients they contain and how toxic they are. It seems crazy to me that there even has to be a website that shows the toxicity level of makeup. Shouldn’t something we put on our skin every day be nontoxic? I can’t pronounce the ingredients that are in most of the makeup products out there and I’m not even going to try and list them because I wouldn’t be able to spell them correctly. People have realized that we should eat natural foods to be healthier, so why would we not want to put natural products on our skin as well?

After realizing the benefit of all natural makeup on your skin and the environment, your next step is to find organic makeup that is actually cool. It’s really difficult finding chemical free makeup that is just as good as the usual toxic stuff; there usually isn’t much of a selection to choose from. At Sephora I asked for the salespeople to show me the all natural makeup and they didn’t really know what to show me. They had a few things that claimed to be organic or at least mostly organic, but the pickings were very slim. Austin fashionistas know that you have to have the right makeup to go along with that cute outfit and we won’t settle for anything but the best.

W3LL People is a local Austin all natural makeup and skin care store. They carry their own line of organic makeup created by “makeup guru” Shirley Pinkson alongside dermatologist Dr. Renee Snyder. Shirley was so very kind and helpful to me and just a super cool chick all around. She helped me pick out the perfect color lip gloss (lip gloss is referred to as “Nudist Lip Shine” at W3LL). It was the kind of lip gloss that brings out your natural color and intensifies it, which I love. And what’s even better is that it contains ingredients I can spell: pomegranate, beeswax, and green tea. With a price tag of $23 it might be double what you would normally spend on a gloss, but at least you know you are doing your skin, as well as the environment, a favor because there are no chemicals and their packaging is made from corn. Oh, and my lip gloss was “not tested on animals or robots.”

For the months of October and November if you purchase the Nudist Lip Shine #4, 100% of the proceeds will go to the fight against breast cancer. “Look Good. Do Good. Be W3LL.”

W3LL People is located on South Lamar under the Bridges On The Park apartments.

keep austin stylish… and toxic free
