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If you are a “do it yourself” kinda gal when it comes to fashion and you like to make your own clothes, then you have inevitably gone through the heartache that I myself have endured. You have an idea for a great item of clothing and you decide you are going to sew it yourself. So you go to the fabric store to look for the perfect fabric to turn the idea in your head into a wearable reality. You quickly realize Austin’s lack of fabric stores and end up at the closest Jo-Ann’s or Hancock’s. You search and search for the perfect material. If you are at Jo-Ann’s then there is a decent amount of fabric to go through, but unfortunately it’s all lackluster and if you are at Hancock’s then you are alarmed at the amount of fabric they have and hear yourself saying “this is a FABRIC store, right?” Either way, you leave the store with your dreams shattered and your heart broken. Your great idea for that dress might never be materialized.

For years I have been frustrated with the scarcity of decent fabric stores in Austin, but finally a decent store exists, and what makes it even better is that it’s local. The Common Thread has only been open for about 6 weeks, but it already seems to have a loyal following.

Their selection isn’t exactly huge, but the ratio of good fabrics to bad fabrics at this store is awesome; every roll of fabric is top notch. There are so many cute patterns and colors to choose from. The majority of the fabric prices range from $6-10 a yard which is worth it because the fabrics are so nice. You just really can’t find these types of patterns anywhere else. Their selection of fabrics would be good for clothes as well as home decor. This is where I will go to buy fabric for pillows that I am gonna make for my new bedding, and after one visit the fabric has inspired me to think of an idea for a dress that I want to make.

So, make sure you go The Common Thread if you want to start sewing something, and don’t get stuck in the world of big fabric stores with little fabric choices. Good luck with your next project and have fun keeping austin stylish!

The Common Thread is located on South Lamar one block south of Barton Springs Rd.